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Cannabis Aware

Article Introduction: Cannabis harm reduction and awareness advice
Format: 8-page, A6 booklet


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  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.48 each

cannabis advice booklet

New cannabis information booklet, designed and written to provide basic advice, and raise awareness of physical and mental health issues concerning cannabis for young people.

Cannabis is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the country. The information in this distinctive booklet gives fundamental harm reduction and awareness advice which includes:

  • what is cannabis?
  • how it is used
  • physical and mental health
  • the effects of cannabis
  • reducing the risks
  • the law
  • staying in control

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Cannabis FAQs leaflet

Article Introduction: Clear and accurate cannabis harm reduction advice in a familiar 'FAQs' format,
Format: A4, 2-sided leaflet


  • Size

    Double sided A4

  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.44 each

This leaflet is suitable for cannabis users of all ages who are looking for general advice, help, and information about cannabis.

Clear and accurate harm reduction advice in a familiar 'FAQs' format, about:

  • how it makes you feel
  • the effects
  • the risks
  • how to reduce the risks
  • the law

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Cannabis harm reduction booklet

Article Introduction: Cannabis awareness and harm reduction booklet for people who are regularly using cannabis or are starting to experiment.
Format: 8-page, A6 booklet



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  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.35 each

Cannabis advice booklet cover and inside pages

This is a black and white version of the colour cannabis resource...

A harm reduction and cannabis awareness booklet for people who are regularly using cannabis or are starting to experiment.

Cannabis is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the country. The information in this, visually rich booklet, gives fundamental harm reduction and awareness advice including:

  • what is cannabis?
  • how it is used?
  • physical and mental health
  • the effects of cannabis
  • reducing the risks
  • the law
  • staying in control

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Cannabis information booklet

Article Introduction: Cannabis harm reduction and awareness booklet for people who are regularly using cannabis or are starting to experiment.
Format: 8-page, A6 booklet


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  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.50 each

Cover and inside pages of a cannabis harm reduction booklet showing cannabis resin nd skunk cannabis

A general information booklet for people who are already using cannabis or are starting to experiment. Cannabis is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the country. The information in this, visually rich booklet, gives fundamental harm reduction and awareness advice including:

  • what is cannabis?
  • how it is used
  • physical and mental health
  • the effects of cannabis
  • reducing the risks
  • the law
  • staying in control

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Cannabis information poster

Article Introduction: This cannabis awareness poster will help people who use or are considering using cannabis, consider the associated health risks and consequences.
Format: A3, folds to A5. Two-sided


This A3 harm-reduction folded poster, About Cannabis, contains health-related, and harm-reduction information on reducing the risks associated with using cannabis.

Cannabis information poster - inside page shows drug paraphernalia and health advice. Front page shows a large marijuana  plant and the word cannabis
  • Size

    A3 - folded to A5

  • Pages

    Double sided

  • Price

    £23 (pack of ten)

About Cannabis poster

Cannabis has always been one of the UK's most commonly used illegal drugs. According to the Office for National Statistics report, Drug misuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2020, 7.8% of adults aged 16 to 59 years (around 2.6 million) reported using cannabis Cannabis was also the most common drug used by young adults, 18.7% of those aged 16 to 24 years old (around 1.2 million) had reported using the drug.

With the increasing use of high-strength herbal cannabis and the recent introduction of synthetic cannabinoids, such as Spice, the physical and mental health risks of using cannabis have become more acute. Clear, accurate and credible health information is key to reducing those risks.

This A3 cannabis awareness poster will help people who use or are considering using cannabis consider the associated health risks and consequences.

The poster folds to A5 in size and contains an attention-grabbing image of a marijuana plant on the front. The flip side is designed in a grid format, with each block of copy complemented by colourful illustrations and pictures. 

Information includes the following:

  • How it's used
  • Physical and mental health risks
  • Synthetic cannabinoids
  • The law
  • How it makes you feel
  • Reducing the risks
  • cannabis harm reduction information and cannabis images
  • front of poster showing marijuana plant on a white background
  • about cannabis design, picture of a cannabis bong and a partially smoked joint
  • cannabis leaf pattern, cannabis grinder and an information panel about reducing the risks

  • All payments are processed by Shopify Secure, and use SSL encryption.
  • During checkout you wil be given the option to pay by card or receive an invoice.

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Drug & alcohol posters

Article Introduction: These A3 posters deliver an easy-to-understand message involving the risks of using drugs and alcohol.


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  • Quantity


  • Price

    £5.66 per set of 4

drug and alcohol posters
These four, A3 drug and alcohol awareness posters combine creative and contemporary design with a simple message and eye-catching visual theme. They deliver an easy-to-understand message involving the potential risks related to using drugs and alcohol. They contain information on:
  • NPS - Legal Highs
  • Cannabis
  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine


Click image to enlarge

  • Design for Cannabis information poster
  • design for alcohol information poster
  • design for cocaine information poster
  • NPS legal highs drug information poster

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Spice (Synthetic cannabinoids) harm-reduction booklet

Article Introduction: This Spice booklet will help users, health professionals and the public at large understand more about Spice.
Format: 8-page, A6 booklet


This harm-reduction booklet will help anyone who uses the drug known as spice, or just wants to know more, to understand the risks and how to minimise them.

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  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.42 each

Spice drug information booklet - front cover design and inside pages

This harm-reduction booklet is about spice, a mixture of chemicals called synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs) and chopped-up leaves and herbs.

It’s usually smoked and the effects mimic cannabis. There are hundreds of different SCRAs, and they vary in strength and toxicity.

The prevalence of spice is difficult to estimate, but spice-related visits to A&E suggest its use is increasing.In 2018, in England, there were over 30,000 visits to hospital related to synthetic cannabinoid use.

A study published in the journal ‘Addiction’ in 2017 found that people who used synthetic cannabinoids were more likely to have mental health problems and experience adverse health issues.

The effects of spice are felt in seconds, peaking in half an hour and lasting a few hours. Users can feel euphoric, relaxed and drowsy. Spicehas several harmful effects too, including anxiety, paranoia, seizures, psychosis, and, in some cases, can result in overdose and death.

Research conducted by Middlesex University’s Drug and Alcohol Research Centre claims synthetic cannabinoids were involved in nearly half of male prisoner deaths in England and Wales between 2015 and 2020.

This resource includes the following information:

An introduction to spice:

  • understand what spice is
  • how it's made
  • discover the wide variety of SCRAs
  • strength and toxicity

Its effects and health issues:

  • how spice makes you feel, including euphoric, relaxad, and drowsy
  • the harmful effects of spice, such as anxiety, paranoia, seizures, psychosis, and the potential for overdose
  • the link between synthetic cannabinoids and mental health

Unpredictable nature and risks:

  • how to recognise the unpredictable nature of spice and its potential risks
  • learn how to identify warning signs of overdose and addiction
  • understand the symtoms of withdrawal and tolerance
  • discover practical harm-reduction strategies that include dosage, using in the company of others, prioritising mental health, and seeking professional support

Emergency situations:

  • how to respond to distressing behaviour
  • recognise symptoms that require immediate medical attention

This resource is an important guide for people who use spice, consider using it, or have concerns about someone affected by spice. It provides clear and concise information about the associated risks and offers practical advice on reducing them.

Read the full text in our spice harm reduction section...

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East London NHS Foundation Trust

I found the booklet very helpful in improving my knowledge and understanding of Spice.

WEED - everything you need to know about herbal cannabis

Article Introduction: Clear, sensible, non-judgmental, information and advice for people who use cannabis.
Format: 16-page, A6 booklet



  • Size


  • Pages


  • Price

    £0.55 each

Design and content updated July 2024

Potency, mental health, and the law.

Cover and inside pages of skunk harm reduction booklet. Cover show a bag of skunk cannabis. Inside pages shows a cannabis plant

Increasingly, cannabisis consumed in herbal rather than resin form. Over the last 30 years, it's been the most used illegal drug in England and Wales. The most recent UK figures (taking us to March 2023) suggest just over 2.6 million adults aged 16 to 59 used cannabis in the last year. The actual figure is probably much higher.

The information in this booklet will help cannabis users understand:

  • what herbal cannabis is
  • active ingredients and potency/strength of cannabis
  • cannabis and mental health
  • the warning signs of developing a problem
  • reducing the risks
  • how to cut down or stop
  • cannabis and the law

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Fresh design and content

This resource was formerly known as Skunk.

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