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Cannabis information poster

Article Introduction: This cannabis awareness poster will help people who use or are considering using cannabis, consider the associated health risks and consequences.
Format: A3, folds to A5. Two-sided


This A3 harm-reduction folded poster, About Cannabis, contains health-related, and harm-reduction information on reducing the risks associated with using cannabis.

Cannabis information poster - inside page shows drug paraphernalia and health advice. Front page shows a large marijuana  plant and the word cannabis
  • Size

    A3 - folded to A5

  • Pages

    Double sided

  • Price

    £23 (pack of ten)

About Cannabis poster

Cannabis has always been one of the UK's most commonly used illegal drugs. According to the Office for National Statistics report, Drug misuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2020, 7.8% of adults aged 16 to 59 years (around 2.6 million) reported using cannabis Cannabis was also the most common drug used by young adults, 18.7% of those aged 16 to 24 years old (around 1.2 million) had reported using the drug.

With the increasing use of high-strength herbal cannabis and the recent introduction of synthetic cannabinoids, such as Spice, the physical and mental health risks of using cannabis have become more acute. Clear, accurate and credible health information is key to reducing those risks.

This A3 cannabis awareness poster will help people who use or are considering using cannabis consider the associated health risks and consequences.

The poster folds to A5 in size and contains an attention-grabbing image of a marijuana plant on the front. The flip side is designed in a grid format, with each block of copy complemented by colourful illustrations and pictures. 

Information includes the following:

  • How it's used
  • Physical and mental health risks
  • Synthetic cannabinoids
  • The law
  • How it makes you feel
  • Reducing the risks
  • cannabis harm reduction information and cannabis images
  • front of poster showing marijuana plant on a white background
  • about cannabis design, picture of a cannabis bong and a partially smoked joint
  • cannabis leaf pattern, cannabis grinder and an information panel about reducing the risks

  • All payments are processed by Shopify Secure, and use SSL encryption.
  • During checkout you wil be given the option to pay by card or receive an invoice.

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More cannabis resources

Drug & alcohol posters

Article Introduction: These A3 posters deliver an easy-to-understand message involving the risks of using drugs and alcohol.


  • Size


  • Quantity


  • Price

    £5.66 per set of 4

drug and alcohol posters
These four, A3 drug and alcohol awareness posters combine creative and contemporary design with a simple message and eye-catching visual theme. They deliver an easy-to-understand message involving the potential risks related to using drugs and alcohol. They contain information on:
  • NPS - Legal Highs
  • Cannabis
  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine


Click image to enlarge

  • Design for Cannabis information poster
  • design for alcohol information poster
  • design for cocaine information poster
  • NPS legal highs drug information poster

  • All payments are processed by Shopify Secure, and use SSL encryption.
  • During checkout you wil be given the option to pay by card or receive an invoice.

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Substance misuse resources

A range of harm reduction and drug & alcohol awareness booklets, leaflets and posters






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