Alcohol overdose guide for drinkers
Alcohol Emergency is an alcohol poisoning information resource to help distinguish between someone who's had 'a few too many' and a life-threatening overdose.
£0.60 each

Over 500 people a year die from alcohol overdose, and a significant portion of A&E visits are alcohol-related issues. A report by the Nuffield Trust suggests that up to 35% of all A&E attendance and ambulance costs may be alcohol-related.
The necessity of these A&E visits can vary widely. Some cases may involve acute alcohol poisoning, which needs immediate emergency treatment. However, there could also be cases where individuals attend A&E for less serious issues that could be managed in other ways.
This alcohol overdose information resource will help people distinguish between someone who's had 'a few too many' and a life-threatening overdose. The resource will explain when to seek emergency care and when and how to manage the situation if a hospital visit isn't required.
This resource will provide the following information:
- understand how alcohol influences behaviour and increases the risk of injury
- recognise the signs of alcohol overdose
- identify immediate action to take
- determine when medical help is needed
- how casualty departments handle alcohol-related admissions
- reducing alcohol-related harm

Alcohol and A&E
This resource was previoulsy the Alcohol and A&E resource
This resource has been re-written and re-designed to focus on alcohol overdose. Click the 'read the full resource text' link above to read the full text.

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