Essential alcohol awareness information and harm reduction advice for young people

Alcohol is the most common drug used by young people in the UK. Almost four in 10 16-24-year-olds in England said they drank alcohol in the last week, according to a recent NHS survey.
Young people are particularly at risk of alcohol-related harm. The information in this booklet will help young people to identify the risks associated with alcohol and give them advice on how to stay safe. It describes what alcohol is, how it’s manufactured, how your body breaks it down and how it affects you if you drink more than the body can deal with.
It explains the meaning of labels on alcoholic drinks, such as what makes up a unit of alcohol and how to work out its strength.
It illustrates the latest government recommended limits and lists typical short-term positive effects of drinking within them and the short and long-term negative effects of drinking over the limit.
The resource details the most common warning signs when alcohol is starting to damage someone’s health or personal life, and what to do to get help. It gives harm reduction advice on the following risks associated with drinking alcohol:
- Alcohol dependence
- Mixing alcohol and other drugs
- Overdose
- Seizures
- Alcohol and sex
- Alcohol and violence
- Drink driving

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